Bring on September!

August is about to come to an end, and knock on wood, if we make it through the next two days, Grayson will have made it two months in a row without being hospitalized! I am so, so thankful that he is so stable right now. In the back of my mind, the fear that he could suddenly become very sick is always there, but I’m choosing to focus on how well he’s doing today.

September is going to be a BIG month for our little family. We have a lot of fun events planned and special things happening and I’m praying everyone can stay healthy so we can enjoy all of it!

Any day now, we’ll have a new member in our family! Grayson and Charlotte will have a new baby boy cousin to get into mischief with- my brother David and sister in law Hannah’s firstborn. We simply cannot WAIT to meet Baby Theo! (He’s actually due TODAY, but is choosing to be fashionably late to the party).

This coming week, I start Bible study at church, and Charlotte will go to the childcare class at the church. Then later in the week, she starts Mothers Day Out. She’s going 1 day a week and I hope she will love it. She loves everyone and is so social, so I’m not worried at all. She and I are also doing MOPS and I’ve got her signed up for two music classes this fall- Charlotte’s social calendar is FULL. She’s probably the most over-scheduled 7 month old in town with activities planned 6 days per week. Yikes!

One weekend is September I’m doing a retreat for Mito family members and caregivers. I will get to sleep AT A HOTEL! WITHOUT KIDS!  I am ridiculously excited about this. And my Mito Mom friends are some of the most fun and inspiring people to be around, so I’m really looking forward to the weekend.

The next weekend is pretty special too. This little dude is turning THREE! Can you even believe it?

I am planning a music themed birthday party for Grayson. We are having a professional music teacher come and lead songs and have the kids play instruments. We are currently in birthday party prep mode, but not how you might think. The invitations, food, favors…that’s the easy part. The hard part: getting Grayson comfortable with the music that will be played. He really is not keen on any music that he doesn’t know, and hates most songs that aren’t Veggie Tales. We have a CD of the songs this teacher does and I am playing it a little at a time. My goal by party day is for him to love tolerate the music enough so he doesn’t have an epic meltdown in front of all our friends. We shall see!

After all the birthday and party hullabaloo, the very next weekend is Beads of Courage! We received Grayson’s beads in the mail a few weeks ago- they are gorgeous! I am planning a post soon to show them off and explain what they all stand for. If you haven’t gotten your tickets yet and would like to attend, here is the link. We can’t wait!

So many great things to look forward to in the coming weeks- I’m definitely counting my blessings tonight.

3 thoughts on “Bring on September!

  1. Your kids are just so adorable! We keep ours REALLY busy too because idle hands really are the devil's workshop around our house. I like to wear them out so they sleep and are too tired to pick on each other. 🙂

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