Happy Thanksgiving!

I think Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It has all the feel-good togetherness and yummy food as Christmas, without all the stress of shopping, over-decorating, and overwhelming hype. We’ve had a really relaxing day so far. I’ve been awake off and on since 3:30 AM- Grayson was fussing a little but it wasn’t feeding time, so we snuggled in the recliner for a few hours. He was so warm and snuggly, I just couldn’t put him back in his crib. And I realize the days of being able to do this are far too few, so I’ll sacrifice a few more hours of sleep for cuddle time. When we finally “got up” at 7, I was about to make coffee and I just mentioned that a latte would taste really good- and my sweet husband went and got me one from Starbucks. It was soooo good! Later, we watched the season 4 finale of Dexter-I really wish I didn’t already know how it ended, but it was still so sad and dramatic- love that show! I took the dogs for a walk- first Hank, then the girls- and thought about how strange it was that I was in shorts and a t-shirt and sweating on Thanksgiving day. Now we’ve got a few more hours to chill before heading to dinner- Grayson is asleep in the swing, and I think Mommy needs a nap too!

This Thanksgiving, I have an abundance of blessings to be thankful for- a new precious baby, a husband who loves me more than anything and who is a great new Daddy, parents who have been lifesavers these last 9 weeks and who I love watching be new grandparents, great friends, extended family, etc., etc., etc…I could go on and on.


A year ago, Ryan and I celebrated Thanksgiving in Charlotte, NC with my mom’s side of the family. We were trying to have a baby and were very frustrated it wasn’t happening. We had a great time with our family, but at the back of my mind I was questioning whether or not we would even be able to have a baby. What a difference a year makes! Grayson will be celebrating Thanksgiving with us this year and will cheer the Aggies to victory!

Although we are thrilled to be celebrating today with Ryan’s family, and tomorrow with my parents and Matthew, we are sad not to be with David and Hannah, Peter and Megan, and Rebecca in North Carolina. I can only imagine the hilarity that will ensue at that feast in Durham! Thankfully, we will all be together in a few weeks for Christmas.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

2 Months!

Grayson turned 2 months old yesterday! He is still a tiny peanut, weighing in right at 9 pounds, but he continues to take his one and only job of growing very seriously. Considering exactly 8 weeks ago he had gotten down to 4 pounds, 9 ounces, he is doing fantastic! Sadly, I packed up most of his newborn clothes yesterday and he is wearing mostly 0-3 month clothes which looked so huge just a few short weeks ago.

We are having a lot of fun hanging out at home, playing with friends, working, and visiting grandparents. Grayson has no shortage of people who love him. He is looking forward to his first Thanksgiving on Thursday. We will be having Thanksgiving dinner with Ryan’s family on Thursday and some of my family on Friday. And then in just a few weeks his Aunt Rebecca will be home (yay for more fabulous pictures!) and then after that his other aunts and uncles on my side. We can’t wait for Christmas this year!

Bathtime at Grammie’s!

Church and Separation Anxiety

We went to church for the first time as a family this morning, and I have to say, it was successful! Grayson is a VERY good baby- he rarely cries unless he’s really hungry or just wants to be picked up and held. However, I had this fear that as soon as we entered the church building he would turn into a demon baby and scream the whole time we were there. Nope, he was pretty much his angelic self. We went to Sunday School first, which normally is not my thing- I’m pretty shy and making small talk with people I don’t know (because we know no one at church right now…we’re working on changing that, but it’s hard) is somewhat torturous for me. Today SS was really good though- the lesson was on making time/prioritizing within your family, and they even touched on sleep-deprived parents with newborns! I really liked the couple who taught the lesson- very down-to-earth and humble- they talked mostly about their family and what works for them, and I liked the fact that they admitted they don’t have all the answers and what works for them won’t work for everyone. I wish they were teaching every week, but I think they are rotating couples to teach on different topics. Anyway, Grayson was awake the whole time, just looking around and sucking on that pacifier- he either wants nothing to do with it or acts like he will die unless it is attached to his face- no in between. The few times he did make some noise was no big deal because there were at least 3 other families with babies in the class, and the director of the class even said in his announcements that they welcome babies to be in the room with their parents.

After SS, we went to service, and Grayson really loved the music. I play music for him a lot at home (he likes country music youtube videos a lot) and he really responds to it. At church, he was wide awake for all the music, still sucking away on that pacifier. At about 11:30, he got hungry so I gave him a bottle, but Ryan made me take him to the “cry room” because he was being such a noisy eater- ha! He was STILL awake when the service was over at 12- so except for a little catnap in the car on the way to church, he had been awake since 6:30 AM. He finally fell asleep on the way home, and I’m sure he’s out for the rest of the afternoon.

So as I am writing this, Ryan has taken Grayson to his mom and grandmother’s house for a visit, and I am waiting to go to work for the afternoon. I am so excited to be going to work- I’ve really missed it, but also it will be nice to have a break. However, I am freaking out a little too- I know, it’s only for 4-5 hours today, but it will be the longest I’ve ever been away from my little guy. I know he’s fine and Ryan will take just as good care of him as I do, but it’s still pretty hard. He’s so much a part of who I am- first being inside me for 9 months, and then either in my arms or just a few feet away from me for almost all of the past 7 weeks. Next week is going to be even harder- I am working a full day on Saturday and my mom will be watching him. So I guess today is a good transition. And yes, I know, having a child is all about letting go and I’ll have to do it a million times in the coming years. But, he’s not 5 yet and going to kindergarten, and he’s not 18 yet and going to college, and he’s not 25 yet and getting married. He’s 7 weeks, and he’s my tiny baby, and I think I need him right now as much as he needs me.

Sunday Morning Random Thoughts

It’s Sunday morning- Ryan is at work, the dogs and Grayson are all asleep- why am I not napping too? I did sleep in this morning- until 6:30 AM, which REALLY was 7:30 AM if you don’t count falling back for daylight savings. I don’t remember the last time I slept until 7:30, even before Grayson was born. Thank you Grayson and dogs for the extra sleep.  Love it!

I’ve been working on G’s baby book this morning. There’s a page that has you list things like price of a gallon of gas, world leaders, popular entertainers, etc…for the time your baby was born. I’m so pathetic- who are the world leaders right now? And do I really want to have Justin Bieber’s name permanently recorded in G’s baby book?

Things making me happy right now:
1. This kid, obviously. We went for a long walk earlier in the most gorgeous weather, which makes me happy too.
2. This show:  If you haven’t seen it, you must. A family with 3 awkward/quirky kids with a mom and dad who kind of half-ass parent them….hilarious. I love it so much I bought the Season 1 DVD.
3. This dog. Actually, yesterday I was about to STRANGLE Hank, but I won’t go into it, because he is forgiven – who could stay mad at this face anyway?
And then, since life is not all sunshine and roses, there are the things making me less than happy right now:
1. These medical bills- yeah, there’s a lot of them, with big numbers next to “amount due”. Ugh.
2. This laundry room. I HATE this laundry room. I scream at this room daily. It is tiny, crowded, the washer/dryer hookups are backwards from our machines so the doors open into each other instead of out. It’s the only place we have to put Hank’s water and food bowl. Water- everywhere. Clean dry clothes fall into the water. Ugh- I hate it.
3. This empty closet. It’s empty because I have exactly ZERO clothes that I either like or that fit me right now. I must go shopping for me soon. Problem is, I always end up in Gymboree or Carters when I go to the mall instead of Ann Taylor or Gap. Baby clothes are so much more fun (and cheap!)
And since I don’t want to end on an unhappy note…here’s another dose of adorableness making this a happy, happy day!

6 Weeks!

Such a big boy!

 Our little munchkin is 6 weeks old! In some ways the last six weeks have flown so fast and I can’t believe Grayson is that old. However, it seems like a million years ago we were sent to the hospital when he was so sick.

We are doing really well- keeping busy. We try to get out of the house at least once a day- otherwise I go a little stir-crazy! Luckily, all of my best friends have babies or toddlers, so we’ve been able to have quite a few play dates. I’ve also been working at WT a few times a week. Grayson has been great- mostly sleeping in his carseat while I work.

A few nights ago we moved Grayson out of our bedroom and into his crib. He’s done fantastic sleeping in the crib at night! He still wakes about every 3 hours to eat, but goes right back to sleep when he’s done. He still sleeps quite a bit during the day, but is definitely more alert and aware of what’s going on when he is awake.

We are still in newborn clothes and diapers, but they are definitely getting more snug. I’m thinking any day now he can start wearing some of his 0-3 month clothes- hooray for a brand new wardrobe!

We are excited that fall has finally arrived- hooray for cooler weather and the upcoming holiday season!